Oakland University welcomes more than 1,000 transfer students every year, and the number is growing. We welcome transfer students from community colleges and four-year schools, as well as military veterans, international students, and high school graduates who’ve earned college credits through Advanced Placement (AP) courses, International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, or the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).
Admission criteria depends on how many credits you already earned from another institution at the time of application:
- 24 or more college credits: GPA of at least 2.5 will be considered for admission to Oakland University. OU will also consider positive trends of most recent grades.
- fewer than 24 college credits: Admission will be based on both college and high school records; you must submit both college and high school transcripts.
You must submit official transcript(s) from each college or university you have attended (and high school if you have fewer than 24 college credits) to:
Undergraduate Admissions
North Foundation Hall, Room 101
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
Electronic transcripts may be sent to oakuniv@ssyidu.com (current OU students should have their transcripts sent to the Office of the Registrar at trcredit@ssyidu.com). Transcripts must bear the seal of the institution and must not be stamped "issued to student." If you have attended more than one college, transcripts from each must be provided.
Admission of individuals whose formal education has been interrupted for three or more years, and who would not normally meet other admission criteria, may be considered based on one or more of the following: sustained employment record; recommendations from employers, educators or other professionals; and standardized test results. An interview with an Oakland University Admissions Adviser is required for such applicants to be considered for admission.